Sleepy eyes, sleepy head, immobile limbs, for once a quiet brain sans any thoughts buzzing around, with just a wish, 5 more minutes. sigh! only if the damn alarm would relent! 3 alarms all with the snooze option used excessively, n finally you give up & give in to the sunlight streaming through the window, a slight chill in the air , n the oh so warm bed calling you back again, but...nopes, cant.
The warm sunlight makes you smile, just a lil bit, stretch like a queen cat, smile again n finally throw away the covers to find your feet on the floor and the one goal that you have in mind ...mmmm.."chai".

now here comes in the case of "haves" & "haves not". Some of us have to fend for ourselves, find our way to the kitchen to get ourselves that brew of life. And then there are some of us, who simply walk to the living room couch, plonk ourselves still in slumber & simply utter the magic word.."maa...chai..".ofcourse you could replace the maa with biwi...miya...or ramu ! n viola the perfect way to start your day is there for you.Lifez just so nice to some of us! its called being the priveledged few.
and how the brew kick starts our day- Start your day with a brew not done to your liking n whats your reaction? Arrg! you gulp it just to get done with it. we make the effort to just dunk it into the sink n prepare a fresh one as our liking? naa...its done its done. lets get moving, iv got an entire day ahead of me.
And then there are times, when its the perfect one. just the way you like it. puurfect..the first sip spreads its warmth into you...the taste awakens & lingers on your sleepy taste buds awakening you, your eyes open with the joy of energy flowing through you n you smile, yes this is a really great day!
Its quiet interesting the way we like our chais to be n the way we have it.
n there is the one that we during our college days had. the first one was always rushe dthrough just so that we could get going & have the puurfect chai in the cutting glass
at the tapri opposite college with the gang! yes, thts the purfect cutting be it rains or sun shine, could never do sans the cutting glass n the adrak chai at the tapri. n then there were the equally importaant cuttings at sunset at the tapri, where you abused the arese of the college, candidly tell your friends what a good job you did in teh student counsel, or simply queitly discuss the gurl / guy whom u really kike ..ekdum dil se or devise ways to ask out the hot chick of the campus. and all theses cuttings were inter spiced with the choicest of abuses...with justthe correct proununciation n emphasis just to tell your friend you love him. :)

anyways coming back to the chai...isnt the way we have our chai also reflect on the way we live our lives? mebbe am thinking too much, mebe not. just a thought.
There are some who simply have it hot straight from the stove into the cup into the mouth, without giving it much a thought, chai is a chai is a chai. Thus is Life, just live it, why all the extra divination thoughts? whoz got the time?
n then there are some who sip it hot sip by sip with that awesome ssllll...ssllrruuu...ssllluurrr....sound that we all make. cherishing it bit by bit but not really stopping by to ponder, just living it each moment, there is lots accomplish.
n then there are some who linger over it...savouring each sip...its almost like the very act of bringing thechai to your lips is an act of contentment n heighting the experience by allowing the sip to linger, taking in every flavor it has to offer- the mild sweetness, the softness of the brew, the spice of the ginger or masala, the coolness of the sure is beautiful. n with the brew...thoughts linger.
:) n then there are the chais that we have late at night at the tapri or the cycle wala chai at the sea face, chai had in huge mugs cozily held in our hands when we sit with our friends after dinner.
For some reason a chai shared is alwayz special n yes chai had in quiet times alone too. Chais...bring in memories of conversations, moments, stories read, work done, ideas brain stormed, promises made to one self et al.

so..the nexttime you sip on your cuppa, spare a moment to disover your puurfect brew..
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