Hobbies are recreational but have you ever thought of
converting it into a career or a business? If yes, fantastic, if not, let us
think over it and probe the very idea.
Questions to ask yourself:

2. Do you have the time, commitment, passion and a huge amount of discipline to engage yourself in your chosen hobby each & every day? Trust me, it seems it is easy to work from home, however, it is not so. At an office, you are physically away from home, family members & kids. You do not entertain sudden guests! Whereas at home, the maid, the kids, the neighbours, sudden guests, Television Serials, Phone calls, house chores and errands are constantly seeking your attention. Do you have the self-constraint in you to assign few hours strictly for your work when each family member knows not to disturb your space & time?
(Do not allow this to discourage you! It is
a check which you need to make happen! One has to INVEST TIME.)
3. So you have zeroed down on your skill which will
now be your business. My next question to you- Where will you showcase your
work? Where will you sell? Via Facebook, Whatsapp, Word of Mouth, E-commerce
Sites, Retail Shops, Wholesaler, Exhibitions, your own stand-alone store, Networking
forums or will you create a mobile application for it? Yes! You need to
showcase & sell where your Buyer is present or seeks your products &
4. When you fell in love, married, had a child or
bought your new Jimmy Choo, did you not flaunt it to the whole wide world? Then
why are you so conscious of wearing your skill on your sleeve and flaunting it?
Wear it, be it, love it – it is an extension of your identity! Be your own
5. Are you content being a hobby free-lancer or
wish to be a suave businesswoman? The attitude matters, it influences your
thought process & your approach to your work. Believe me, there is
absolutely nothing wrong in being a hobby free-lancer working as per one’s
convenience. It is a personal choice and yes what you feel is right, is the
right choice.
(I technically work only
-4- months a year, and yes, I couldn’t have been happier!)

7. Once you are a business woman, you aren’t
just the Creative head. You also are the Office boy, Courier Boy, Receptionist,
Sales Team, Purchase Team and the Accountant! So, set yourself up for the
challenges and enjoy these new roles of your life! People’s Skills is what will
get you through all this. Ability to connect with various people. Essentially,
Business is all about Networking with the right resources and delivering work!
8. A lot of women entrepreneurs shared with me
that they do not wish to manufacture & sell. Selling & customer
relationships is not their forte and it is a time consuming process too. If you
too have a similar thought, my question to you then is- Can you TEACH your
hobby and make that into a business for yourself? Share your skill sets, train
others & enable them to manufacture and sell? Think over it!
9. Now, let us think differently. You love to
cook. However, due to constraints of any kind, you do not wish to actually cook
& sell. Can you convert your knowledge, ability to network into an
Intellectual Property? Can you not create an event around food, associate with
stake holders like chefs, nutritionists, vegan followers, food bloggers, food
photographers, foodies, eateries etc. who would benefit from such an event,
invite participants, execute it each year and create your own brand with it?
(If you decide to do this, we at Businesswali expect an invite!)
10. An extremely important question- Do you have the
initial funds available to kick start the business? Yes, make an estimation of
required funds, consider time lag of receiving payments, keep a buffer for
delayed payments & advance payments. Set a target & work towards it.
11. Now the big one- Scan the market for your
competition & beat them! Yes, all said and done, if you take up something,
be the best you can be, be known for it & demand a price for it and don’t
forget to make profits!
So, why wait, let’s get started and create a bit of us! Good